Efficient waste collection systems are necessary to gather solid and liquid waste generated by the households, businesses, and industries. Well-organized collection services.
The body uses food for energy and tissue repair. After the body uses what it needs, waste products in the bloodstream are carried to the kidneys and excreted as urine. Kidney stones can form when substances in the urine such as calcium, oxalate, and phosphorus become highly concentrated. Diet and daily fluid intake are important factors that can promote or inhibit kidney stone formation. Other factors that affect kidney stone formation include Genetics, Environment & Body Weight. Below mentioned are a few simple dietary modifications and other recommendations which will help to reduce the stone recurrences.
No matter how strictly one follows the recommendations mentioned above, a small percentage of patients still continue to form stones due to unknown reasons. Hence it’s recommended to get an ultrasound scan of the KUB region once in every 6 months to a year.
Ultrasound scan is the only modality to detect early stone recurrences where patients will not experience any symptoms. Early detection will help to treat them medically so that an intervention can be avoided when they grow in size.
Effective potable water & waste management
For non-recyclable & non compostable waste
Proper treatment of the different types waste
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Efficient waste collection systems are necessary to gather solid and liquid waste generated by the households, businesses, and industries. Well-organized collection services.
Efficient waste collection systems are necessary to gather solid and liquid waste generated by the households, businesses, and industries. Well-organized collection services.
Efficient waste collection systems are necessary to gather solid and liquid waste generated by the households, businesses, and industries. Well-organized collection services.
Efficient waste collection systems are necessary to gather solid and liquid waste generated by the households, businesses, and industries. Well-organized collection services.